Project related to full-time master’s degree Fashion and Luxury Business, Major of the Master in International Management, Amsterdam and Milan

My Prompt

Visual prompts:
-Create a picture of a local Kashmir woman teaching other women how to manufacture cashmere. The working space has to be modern and well lit, while still implementing tradition.
-Create a fashion show displaying clothes made with sustainable materials such as pinatex leather and kombucha leather, inspired by Coperni and Maison Alaia shows, featuring creative and innovative designs with bold shapes and textures, and a base color of white with additional colors
Text Prompts:
-Provide a list of the most promising and aesthetically pleasing sustainable fabrics.
-Write a conclusion for the article provided, embracing the need of convergence between craftsmanship and sustainable fabric innovation.

Ai Tools: ChatGPT4, DALL-E, Claude AI

The future of fashion: embracing bold synthesis

This article will explore fashion’s path forward through the upheaval of environmental and social crises, focusing on how the industry can synthesize innovation and heritage to forge an ethical yet artful new future.
It will examine the opportunities for brands to merge cutting-edge sustainable materials like mushroom leather with traditional artisanal practices, creating radical positive change.
The piece will highlight the responsibility of fashion’s creative visionaries to guide society through this era of disruption by championing both material breakthroughs and human craft.
Potential for scientific advances like zero-waste manufacturing methods alongside fair labor initiatives will be covered.

The central theme is transcending binary choices between revolution and convention – seamlessly interweaving futuristic eco-materials with ancestral skills and cultural richness.
At its core, the article posits that to truly transform, fashion must shed conventions while honoring roots – boldly embracing radical reinvention alongside timeless techniques.
The future lies not in rejecting change or rushing blindly into the unknown. Rather, fashion’s path forward synthesizes avant-garde with ancestry, deftly balancing trailblazing breakthroughs and timeless traditions.
Focusing on this interweaving, this balanced synthesis, may be key to charting an ethical yet inspired new direction.