Rules – contest closed june 6th

We have one ambition:
preparing leaders for a better world.
But it has to start with you. So, what is your ambition ? 
Can you make a difference in the field you are passionate about ?

1 Contest “Let’s make a better world”

Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub scholarship rules : download (pdf) or read carefully below.

2 How to participate

To participate, candidates are encouraged to leverage their unique expertise and creativity to craft a prompt comprising text accompanied by visuals or videos, all centered around the theme “Let’s Make a Better World.” They should also devise a groundbreaking business concept utilizing artificial intelligence to foster positive global change, and submit it here.

To streamline the process, please select one program and a corresponding topic from the options provided below. While the possibilities for creative exploration are vast, scholarships will specifically support full-time Master’s programs aligned with the following areas of study:

Major in International Management, Master’s Degree Programme in International Management

  • Sustainable supply chain management
  • Fair trade and ethical sourcing
  • Impact investing
  • Carbon offsetting and emissions reduction
  • Social enterprise and business for good
  • Sustainable international trade policies
  • Global climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies
  • Sustainable development goals
  • Circular economy
  • Green finance
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Major in Digital Entertainment Business, Master’s Degree Programme in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries

Choose one of these topics

  • Ethical use of artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Sustainable production of digital content
  • Educational and social impact gaming
  • Green data centers and cloud computing
  • Energy-efficient devices and platforms
  • Sustainable storytelling and narrative design
  • Digital entertainment platforms for social good
  • E-sports and gaming for positive impact
  • Sustainable marketing and advertising
  • Sustainable monetization models
  • Data privacy and security

Major in Fashion and Luxury Business, Master’s Degree Programme in International Management

Choose one of these topics

  • Sustainable fashion design and manufacturing
  • Circular fashion models
  • Ethical sourcing of materials
  • Fair labor practices
  • Transparency and accountability in the supply chain
  • Sustainable luxury materials
  • Sustainable fashion marketing and advertising
  • Sustainable fashion retail and e-commerce
  • Secondhand and vintage fashion
  • Sustainable fashion rental and subscription services
  • Sustainable fashion for social good

Major in Food and Wine Business, Master’s Degree Programme in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries

Choose one of these topics

  • Sustainable agriculture and food production
  • Reducing food waste and loss
  • Promoting healthy eating and diets
  • Ethical sourcing of ingredients
  • Transparency and accountability in the food supply chain
  • Sustainable food packaging and labeling
  • Sustainable food marketing and advertising
  • Sustainable food retail and e-commerce
  • Sustainable food tourism and hospitality
  • Food for social good
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the food and beverage industry

Create a prompt.

Utilize any existing online AI platforms for text generation, such as ChatGPT or Gemini, or explore AI text tools like Claude AI, Bing AI Chat, Perplexity AI, OpenAI GPT Playground, Poe by Quora, YouChat, Chatsonic, and more. For the visual component, leverage image art tools like DALL·E 2 or any other AI tool available online.

Candidates are tasked with overcoming the challenges inherent in designing effective AI prompts. It’s crucial to strike a balance between specificity and generality to ensure accurate and natural-sounding results. Overly specific prompts may yield narrow outcomes, while overly general prompts may produce inaccuracies.

Embark on your project using your chosen AI tool(s)!

3 How to join the Contest

Step 1.
Click here to fill in the online identifying entry card form (compulsory) and to choose the programme of your interest.

Step 2. 
Select one of the topics related to the chosen programme.

Step 3.
Submit your prompt(s) and AI tool used for creating the prompt

Step 4.
Submit your project, it will be published on the web site.

Submission Guidelines

  • The Project: Provide a title and description in alignment with the briefing. Include up to three images, scans, or drawings of the AI-generated concept. Digital images must be in JPEG format, 72 dpi resolution, with a minimum width of 600 pixels, optimized for the web (maximum file size: 2 MB each).
  • Multimedia Content: Optionally, include a link to a video hosted on or, or an audio file uploaded to any audio platform.
  • Additional Materials: Optionally, include supplementary project presentations in Excel, .doc, .pdf, .ppt, or Keynote format. Ensure the total file size does not exceed 10 MB.

Step 5.
To complete your application, submit the following documentation:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Copy of Passport(s)
  • Copy of Bachelor’s Degree and Transcript of Records or a document certifying that you will obtain the degree within the academic year 2023-2024.

Please note:

  • The scholarship is exclusively awarded to candidates who have also applied for admission to the Luiss Business School and have successfully completed the admission process.
  • To initiate the admission process at Luiss Business School, send the completed application form (accessible here) to [email protected]

4 Regulations

Regulations for the participation to the international contest “Let’s make a better world”, first Edition Academic Year 2024-2025

4.1. Preamble

4.1.1 Following this initiative Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub promotes the contest “Let’s make a better world” through the dedicated website  (the “Website”).
4.1.2 The purpose of the contests is to assign n. 8 scholarships for the attendance of one of the Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub full time Masters for the 2024-2025 academic year, covering different fee amounts of the chosen programme.
4.1.3 The contest “Let’s make a better world” (henceforth the “Contest”) is controlled by the present regulations and will take place, through all the phases detailed below, from April 5, 2024, date of publication of the Regulations, until 6 pm on June 5, 2024 (last day of submission).

4.2. Participation and requirements for admission

4.2.1 Participation to the Contest is subject to the registration to the website  and to the acceptance of the present Regulations.
4.2.2 Luiss Business School employees and consultants are not allowed to participate to the Contest.
4.2.3 Providing the data required by the registration form, the Candidate, knowing the legal consequences of supplying false data, will supply precise, complete, true, and correct data.
4.2.4 Processing of personal data will be respectful of the attached information as per D. Lgs. n. 196/03 on personal data protection. None of the data required for registration can be considered sensible under the above-mentioned decree.
4.2.5 The Candidate is informed that knowledge of his Username and Password by third parties will grant them access to the Candidate’s personal area of the site in his name. The Candidate is thus bound to keep the secrecy of his access data with the maximum diligence.
4.2.6 The Candidate will be held liable or accountable for any damage and damaging consequence occurred to Luiss Business School from the infringement of the rules stated above.

4.3. Contest and creative works (“Projects”) of the Candidate

4.3.1 Any registered Candidate can participate to the Contest, filling in the provided form in every part and, having agreed to these regulations, sending to the Website not later than the June 5, 2024 6:00 pm (GMT+1 – dutch time) his creative works (“Projects”) featuring images and videos accompanied by a description in the language in which the course will be held, respecting features and formats detailed in par. 4 and the subject of the Contest given in cap. 2 “How to participate” 
4.3.2 Each candidate will be able to participate to the contest for only one Programme. Candidates who temporarily participate in other special projects of Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub for scholarships are not eligible for this award.
4.3.3 With his participation to the Contest, and in any case with the submission of the project, the Candidate fully agrees with these Regulations.
4.3.4 The Candidate guarantees the project submitted to the Website is the result of his personal work and, knowing the legal consequences of false declarations, also guarantees that the project:

– is the fruit of his personal and original intellectual work, and does not constitute counterfeiting and/or plagiarism;
– does not infringe law, order and public decency;
– does not violate any intellectual property right, both registered or not, of third parties such as, but not limited to, copyrights, brands and patents;
– does not violate any right of third parties accorded by law, contracts, customs and traditions;
– were made with all necessary authorizations and/or releasing from all individuals involved in their realization.
4.3.5 The Candidate grants his full personal liability for the content, lawfulness, nature, quality and truthfulness of the project published on the Website, expressly releasing Luiss Business School and his assignees from any duty of verification and control on them.
4.3.6 Any liability of Luiss Business School and his assignees for any project published on the Website is expressly excluded. The Candidate will hold Luiss Business School and his assignments harmless from any request for reparation or compensation coming by third parties as a consequence of the publication of his project.
4.3.7 The Candidate grants to hold Luiss Business School and his assigns harmless, materially and in court, from any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense, including legal costs, deriving from any breach of this paragraph 3.

4.4. Project, features and format

4.4.1 In order to participate to the Contest, the Candidate will have to fill and submit a form of delivery of the project, giving a title to the project itself and explaining its leading idea in ten lines of text using the English language.
4.4.2 The Candidate will submit up to 3 images, pictures, scans or drawings of the project. Digital images must be supplied in Jpeg 72 dpi format with a minimum width of 600 pixel, optimized for the Web (maximum 2Mb size).
4.4.3 The Candidate can submit a link to a video previously uploaded on or, or an attachment in .doc .pdf .ppt or keynote format (maximum 2Mb file size).
4.4.4 Requirements detailed in par. 4.1 and 4.2 are compulsory for the participation to the Contest, while what described in par. 4.3 is optional.

4.5. Required documents

4.5.1 It is compulsory to provide the below mentioned documents (please check online on the admission conditions for each program):
– Entry card online duly filled in for acceptance of the rules of the selection;
– Project as described in the briefing submitted to the website
– CV in English;
– Copy of passport;
– Bachelor’s degree and transcript of records.

4.6. Scholarships

4.6.1 Luiss Business School offers as a reward n. 8 (eight) scholarships covering different amounts of the tuition fees for the chosen course, following the below scheme:
– n. 8 scholarships covering up to the 50% of the tuition fee fixed for the academic year 2024-2025.  
4.6.2 The scholarship will cover just partially the tuition fees, following the specified scheme. The rest of the tuition fee, housing and other costs shall be covered by the winners.
4.6.3 Scholarships are put up as a prize for the following Luiss Business School courses:

1 Major course name : International Management
Course degree Master’s Degree Programme in International Management
N° Scholarships : 2, both up to 50%

2 Major course name : Digital Entertainment Business
Course degree Master’s Degree Programme in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries
N° Scholarships : 2, both up to 50%

3 Major course name : Fashion and Luxury Business
Course degree Master’s Degree Programme in International Management
N° Scholarships : 2, both up to 50%

4 Major course name : Food and Wine Business
Course degree Master’s Degree Programme in Management of Creative and Cultural Industries
N° Scholarships : 2, both up to 50%

4.6.4 The scholarships will be assigned, no matter the program of choice, depending on the level of the presented projects, following the above scheme. In case the level of the project, for one or more of the above mentioned programs, will not be considered sufficient by the Panel defined in par. 6, no scholarship will be assigned

4.7 Selection of winners and Panel

4.7.1 The Projects received, after a first evaluation, will be published on the selection website and could be object of comments, public appraisals and sharing exclusively for statistical aims. 
4.7.2 The Project evaluation will be conducted by a Panel made of school representatives.
4.7.3 The evaluation will be made by the Panel, consisting of three members of the faculty of Luiss Business School, whose judgment is to be considered final.
4.7.4 The Panel can decide after the first evaluation not to publish the Project on the website, unquestionably.
4.7.5 If the Project, after a first evaluation, does not meet the minimum requirements for publication, it will not be eligible for joining the Contest. The Candidates can add a new project for the same programme choosing a different topic.
4.7.6 Candidates of projects that are not making to the publication will be notified via email by [email protected]
4.7.7 The Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub representatives may call the authors of the best projects for an interview.
4.7.8 The Panel may decide unquestionably not to assign the scholarship for one or more Programmes, if the level of the projects received for those programs will be considered unsatisfactory. 
4.7.9 The winners will be notified by email by the Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub representatives. The winners must send a formal acceptance letter by e-mail to [email protected], within three (3) days after the result is received. If the winner fails to meet this requirement, the scholarship will be automatically considered as ‘refused’ and the Panel may decide, unquestionably, to grant it to another Candidate. After the winner accepts the scholarship, he/she will have a 7 day deadline to enroll to the master for which the scholarship was granted.  The acceptance of the scholarship in writing does not automatically result in the enrollment of the winner to the Programme. 

Missing the deadline for enrollment according to the Admission Office’s instructions, will be considered as a refusal and the Panel may decide, unquestionably, to grant the scholarship to another Candidate.

4.7.10 If the winner has not gone through the admission process by the time the positive outcome is announced, he/she will have to send the application to join the selections for the Programme to [email protected] together with the acceptance of the scholarship, within three days after the result is received. The last selection dates available for winners are June 20 and 21, 2024.

4.8 Conditions and general Terms of Participation

4.8.1 In order to be published, projects should be presented in accordance with the terms described in the preceding sections of this regulation and must also include the identifying entry card attached. 
4.8.2 Projects without an entry card will not be accepted. The entry card must be completed in all points including the full name, email, country of origin, chosen course and  where it will be held. Incomplete entry cards will not be considered valid.
4.8.3 Incomplete Projects, which do not meet the requirements, or which do not have the elements referred to above, or which contain wrong or unreadable data, or sent after 6.00 pm, on June 5, 2024 (GMT+1 – dutch time), will not be considered valid.
4.8.4 Once the Candidate has sent the projects and passed the first step, the projects cannot be modified or changed any more. 
4.8.5 The Candidates guarantee to follow the below indicated compulsory conditions for submission of the projects:

– Project must be created and realized only by the participant presenting it;
– Project must be original and cannot be subject of a copy or plagiarism;
– Project must not be under any property or royalty rights, or copyrighted;
– Projects cannot contain offensive, violent content against human rights or dignity, otherwise such projects will be rejected.

4.8.6 The Panel may, unquestionably, exclude from the selection any Project that does not comply with the above terms.
4.8.7 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub does not assume any responsibility for conditions that are not imputable to it and that shall compromise the project remittance, such as: losses or delays due to electronic devices.

4.9 Property and Right concerning Concepts

4.9.1 The intellectual property rights of the projects always pertain to the author.
4.9.2 The Candidate, with his participation to the Contest and the consequent publication of his project on the Website, giving up any indemnity and/or refund and independently from the awarding of a prize, grants for free and permanently to Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub the right to use submitted projects to promote and divulge the Website and Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub activities, with mention of the Project’s author.

4.10 Contents owned by Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub, Project and Comments

4.10.1 Save for Candidate’s concepts and comments, Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub owns and can use every other content of the Website, including, but with no limitation to, text, software, fonts, graphics, pictures, sounds, music, videos, interactive elements (Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub Content). Such Content is protected by copyright, brand rights and other intellectual property rights owned by Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub and its licensees.
4.10.2 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub content cannot be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, spread, visualized, sold, licensed or exploited in any other way without prior written consent by Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub or its licensees.
4.10.3 The Candidate accepts and agrees that the Projects and Comments on the Website are under the exclusive responsibility of the individuals they come from.
4.10.4 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub is not bound to control and supervise the Concepts and Comments submitted and published on the Website, and accordingly Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub does not guarantee their truthfulness, correctness, or quality. Under no circumstance Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub will be held liable or accountable for Concept or Comments that for any reason are found illicit, illegal, or offensive.
4.10.5 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub reserves the right not to publish and to remove from the Website any Concept or Comment in manifest breach of these Regulations, inopportune or reprehensible. Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub reserves the right to modify the projects submitted by Users by all means necessary to allow their publication on the Website.
4.10.6 The Website may include links to other websites or resources not owned or controlled by Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub. Users accept and agree that under no circumstance Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub will be held liable or accountable for the contents, advertisements, services, or products present in such external links.

4.11 Exclusion of warranties

4.11.1 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub does not state nor guarantee that the Website and its functions are flawless or satisfy certain standards, needs or requests of the User.
4.11.2 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub does not state nor guarantee that the use of the Website and its functions will be prompt, uninterrupted, assured or flawless, nor that the information and contents on the Website are correct, truthful and/or reliable.
4.11.3 Under no circumstance Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub will be held liable or accountable towards Candidates or third parties for any damage consequent, accidental, indirect or of any other nature, predictable or unpredictable, deriving from the use or the impossibility to use the Website.
4.11.4 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub will not be liable for imprecisions, inaccuracies or delays due to force majeure.
4.11.5 Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub is not liable for improper use of the Website and does not grant nor authorize its use in any application potentially dangerous for people or properties.
4.11.6 The Candidate guarantees that he will hold Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub harmless from any consequence deriving for improper, illicit or undue use of the Website.
4.11.7 Consequently, the Candidate declares himself solely liable towards Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub and third parties for any and every behavior or fact punishable by law during the utilization of the Website.

4.12 Obligations of the Candidate

4.12.1 The Candidate pledges:

a) not to damage or violate, directly or indirectly, the Website;
b) not to divulge or transfer, directly or indirectly, usernames, passwords, access codes and login data to the Website;
c) not to reproduce, copy, distribute in part or in whole, by commercial or non-commercial ends, the Website, the Concepts and Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub Contents published on the Website, by no means, not electronic nor printable;
d) not to take any action that may compromise the security of the Website;

4.12.2 It is expressly forbidden to the Candidate:

a) to submit, upload and/or publish material protected by copyright, unless the Candidate is the owner of such right or has been authorized by the owner;
b) to submit, upload and/or publish material that discloses industrial secrets unless the Candidate is the owner of such secrets or has been authorized by the owner;
c) to submit, upload and/or publish material that violates intellectual property rights, privacy rights or rights deriving from advertising contracts;
d) to submit, upload and/or publish material that is illicit or against law, order and public decency;
e) to submit, upload and/or publish material containing improper expressions or violating someone else’s dignity or decency;
f) to submit, upload and/or publish sexually explicit material;
g) to submit, upload and/or publish promotional material, junk mail, spam or any other unrequested or unauthorized form of solicitation.
h) to falsify his identity;
i) to submit, upload and/or publish material containing computer viruses and/or other codes or files or programs created to interrupt, destroy, damage or limit the operation of software’s, hardware’s, websites or telecommunication installations belonging to Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub or third parties;
4.12.3 Any verified breach of this paragraph 12 will determine the right of Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub to resolve this agreement and remove the Candidate and his Project and Comments from the Website, and reserves the right of Luiss Business School and/or third parties to compensation for damages.

4.13 Term of registration and withdrawal

4.13.1 The Candidate has the right to cancel at any time his project from the Website, notifying Luiss Business School with an email sent to [email protected]
4.13.2 Luiss Business School will disable the Candidate’s project, removing from the Website all the contents submitted by the Candidate.
4.13.3 Any breach of the obligations detailed in par. 4.2.4, 4.3.4, 4.7.5, 4.9 and 4.11, will give Luiss Business School the right to cancel at any time, with no notice and no penalty, all the Projects submitted by the Candidate.

4.14 Law and jurisdiction

4.14.1 This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Dutch law.
4.14.2 The court of Amsterdam (Netherlands) shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).

5 D. Lgs. 196/03 – Protection of personal data

In accordance with sec. 13 of the Code on protection of personal data (D. Lgs. 196/03) we inform you about the processing of your personal data performed by Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub regarding your participation to the Contest “Let’s make a better world” and to the use of the websites and (the “Websites”). According to the mentioned decree, the processing of your data will be respectful of the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.

5.1.1 Your personal data, including your image, will be handled only to consent your participation to the Contest for the potential assignment of prizes and the supplying of services usable through the Websites, and for all connected activities. In addition to the uses mentioned above, your personal data may be handled to fulfill obligations set by domestic and European law.
Supplying your data is compulsory for the purposes mentioned above. The lack of their transmission, even partial, or the communication of incorrect data, may have as a consequence the impossibility to supply you with the requested services;
5.1.2 Given your explicit consent, and until its withdrawal, your personal data, including your image, will be transmitted to companies, agencies, syndicates, associations and/or third parties in general in order to assign the prizes or in order to favor your potential collaboration or internships with such parties. The consent to the data processing described in this paragraph is necessary to participate to the Contest.
5.13 Given you explicit consent and until its withdrawal your personal data will be also handled for the following purposes, connected to the ones listed above: 

a) to elaborate studies and marketing researches; 
b) to send even by means of SMS, fax, mail and/or email advertising and informative material regarding Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub and its assignees;
c) to send interactive commercial communications; 
d) to gather data on the level of users’ satisfaction about supplied services (even through third parties).

You will be able to withdraw the consent given for the purposes above at any time, sending a request by email to: [email protected]
No request of cancellation without the required data will be accepted.

Data Processing detailed in par. 1), 2) and 3) will be manual (i.e., on paper support) and/or automatic (i.e., using computer devices) according to the procedures set by law. Within Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub your data will be handled only by Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub employees, appointed as subjects in charge of data processing, who have received adequate operative instructions.
In addition to Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub employees, some of the processing of your data may be performed by third parties, to whom Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub entrust some activities (or parts of them) functional to the supplying of the above-mentioned services. In such cases those parties will be appointed as subjects in charge of data processing, and will receive adequate operative instructions, especially regarding the necessary security measures to ensure privacy and data security.
The subjects in charge of the processing of your personal data are Luiss Business School Amsterdam Hub – based in Amsterdam, Nieuwe Herengracht 103, 1011 RZ Amsterdam, Netherlands, in order to exercise the rights set by sec. 7 of the Code mentioned above, which we report integrally below, you can address the subjects in charge of data processing.


6 D. Lgs. 196/03 – Right to access to personal data and other rights

6.11 A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning him exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.

6.1.2 A data subject shall have the right to be informed:
a) of the source of the personal data;
b) of the purposes and methods of the processing;
c) of the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;
d) of the identification data concerning data controller, data processors and the representative designated as per Section 5(2);
e) of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State’s territory, data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing.

6.1.3 A data subject shall have the right to obtain:
a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;
b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.

6.1.4 A data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part,
a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
b) to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys.